

 1. Please wear a mask. 请您戴口罩。
 2. Please buy more masks. 请您多买一些口罩。
 3. Please wash your hands often. 请您勤洗手。
 4. Please wash your hands with soap. 请您用肥皂洗手。
 5. Please wash your clothes. 请洗一洗您的衣服。
 6. Please throw away your mask. You can use it only once. 请把口罩扔掉吧,您只能用一次。
 7. Please cancel your birthday party. 请把你的生日派对取消了吧。
 8. Please drink more water. 请您多喝水。
 9. Please wear gloves. 请戴手套。
 10. Please don't go visiting friends. 请不要出去串门儿。

 11. Please stay at home. 请呆在家里。
 12. Please do more reading at home. 请在家里多读书。
 13. Please don't go to the market. 请不要到市场去。
 14. Please change your shoes. 请您换鞋。
 15. Please do some exercise at home. 请在家里锻炼身体。
 16. Please study online every day. 请每天在线上学习。
 17. Please watch news on TV every day. 请每天在电视上看新闻。
 18. Please don't spread rumors. 请不要传播谣言。
 19. Please do your homework every day. 请每天在家里做作业。
 20. Please don't waste your time. 请不要浪费时间。 
 21. Please have your temperature checked every day. 请每天测量自己的体温。




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